The Araucária Scientific Association is steadfastly dedicated to the promotion of development and the sustainable utilization of Brazilian biodiversity, with a particular emphasis on Araucárias. Our approach is multi-faceted, encompassing scientific research, seedling production, environmental restoration, and environmental education. Recognizing the pivotal role of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) actions in shaping a more balanced and improved world, we are committed to providing assistance to other corporations in their pursuit of meaningful ESG initiatives. We firmly believe that our collaboration with the corporate sector amplifies our impact and fosters a more extensive positive change.
Guided by a vision to contribute meaningfully to the research and environmental development of Brazilian flora, particularly Araucarias, we aspire to play a role in the scientific and technological progress of the country. We are dedicated to fostering environmental and social sustainability. Our aim is not just to excel in our activities, but also to align with the needs and expectations of our partners, collaborators, and the communities we engage with. We believe in making a difference through tangible actions and measurable outcomes.
The CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities) of the Araucária Scientific Association is #52.968.321/0001-88.
The logo was redrawn by Creative Z.